Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 7 - Grandbury Send Off (Tuesday)

I think I found a new Psychiatrist . . . this is Jessie, the Wilson's sweet dog, and my running partner for the day

So, today we said goodbye to the Wilsons, attended the Convergence Ministry School, and then met the Lagozzo Family in Grandbury! Another amazing family, and we are FINALLY getting ready for our send off. The Convergence school was so refreshing, and we got to be prayed and prophesied over, and they even took up an offering for us which was so unexpected, but blessed us greatly!

Ok, so I woke up this morning and told Tati about how I had this dream that was really weird . . . among other weirdness that I don't remember all of, the end of my dream was me and another person sitting at this table, and we had two bananas in front of us. We had no choice but to eat them, and one was the banana of life, and the other was the banana of death. I ate one, then woke up . . . . hahaha, SO on our way to the Convergence school, I was feeling kinda down on myself and low for some reason, and we stopped at a Racetrac gas station to get coffee, and I bought a banana . . . and I said, "Tati, I will choose to eat the banana of life." . .  so.... Something hilarious that happened, is that when we were being prayed over by this school of young and older people, Matt, the president of the school, gave me a word and told me in front of everyone that the Lord had given him a picture of a banana! And something about how the Lord wants to peel back old layers and . . . basically Tati and I started laughing so hard that I barely heard the rest of his word for me . . . anyway, it was slightly embarrassing to share my dream with the whole school from the night before, but I did!! hahahaha

Matt and Sonya, the presidents of the Convergence School of Ministry

So, we got to see Steve and Marci Fish, the Pastor and pastor's wife of Convergence, our friend Danielle, Sonya, and Amber, people we had had meetings with earlier in the week, which was awesome! We then came here to Grandbury, and I realized very quickly that the familiar faces and places (my cousin Natalie who I stayed with 2 nights, the Wilsons who we stayed with 2 nights, and the Convergence people who we saw throughout the past week) were now transitioning out, and a new pre-Mexico chapter is beginning. . . time to not trick myself into getting comfortable for long is the reoccurring theme I am encountering.

Me, Danielle Martin, Tati, and Amber White!

Tonight we went out to eat with Angie and her son Cade, and on our way to Walmart, she got a call about a house fire of a friend of their family's. Terrible! We stopped by the house, and it was quite an unexpected scene to be coming up on for the night. Definitely will be praying for this family!

Tonight I got to talk to Brad Kinney on the phone for a good while, about his driving travels through Mexico to Belize, on the same route we are taking, but he went all the way through to Costa Rica. It was very informative, and helpful! Thanks Brad!! -Right now it looks like we will be leaving at the butt-crack of dawn on Thursday morning, and meeting our squad of caravaners at the border and begin the drive down through Mexico! The most dangerous spots will be closest to the American/Mexican border and the first Mexican state. We will be trying to get through the country as fast as possible - definitely no messing around!

Crazy sky picture before the big storm that hit the same night 

I am typing this pretty quickly, and have not forgotten about my huge need to write out all the info on this trip on that tab, in order to inform people who do not know or understand what this trip is about, and why we are going to Belize, why we are driving through Mexico, and what our purposes and intentions are, and the origin and story of this trip for Tati and me separately and together. I type pretty fast, so I can very easily type our a blog update, but I have been putting it off because for one, I don't really know if anyone is actually reading this blog, but also because I know I have to really be tactful and detailed about how I word it all. Nevertheless, it's something that there is no excuse for, why it is not already up. Regardless, I am not on vacation - I really am following through with what I believe the Lord has put in front of me. . . . more details soon!

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