Monday, March 12, 2012

HE DID IT !!!!!!

I don't have much time to post, and am on Tati's computer, so no pics folks, but soon! We are with the group for the conference which has been amazing. We are currently at Caye Caulker, which is a dream vacation spot. There are 7 of us, all with extremely different personalities, but I am so confident that the Lord has chosen all of us, in all the processes and places we come from for such a time and purpose as this. Bottomline,


So, this thing is REALLY happening!! I feel so unworthy. I feel like a completely new person. Amazing fruit is surfacing in so many ways as we now have contact with other humans, especially our team. Tati and I's honeymoon period is over; which I am realizing is again, SO CRAZY. We have literally taken the person most opposite in every way, and been placed in a foreign country, mostly living out of a car, with no escape :) -learning how to DO relationship. Major fruit is abounding in our lives as we and our friends see how different we are as people!

Anyway, I am so blessed. So humbled. Tati and I are going to be on TV Wednesday morning! On Plus TV, from 7:30-8am. People will be calling in about the conference. As of now we are expecting 200+ leaders from this country, based on estimated RSVP-ing, but after the morning show, who knows!! I mean talk about favor! Tati and I have been faithfully walking and waiting on the Lord, and now that our friends are here, and telling us how crazy it really is that we DROVE THROUGH MEXICO! and how we traveled the whole country living out of our car, with so many unknowns, with showers and coffee, and sweet mind exploding revelations and times with the Lord being our greatest excitement it is all really starting to come together and just blow my little MIND! . . . and  this whole having favor thing! - the Lord raising the money, as well as blessing us in way after way after way after way! Providing time and time again. I wouldn't change this experience for anything. 

I have lived more in the past two months than I have lived in the past 10 years. The God of the universe is real, and true, and ALIVE, and faithful and his character is UNCHANGING. I can risk my life for that. And I hope my life is continually risked and challenged and used for His plan and His will. And in doing all of this, it has done something radical. In me, through me, around me. I don't want to know what is going to happen next. Our group went to Scott Stirm's church Sunday night, and it was so encouraging for him to share with his whole congregation that he felt in his spirit that the Lord was truly going to use Travis and Fernando, and this conference to speak something big in this country, during a time of major shifting. 

Thank you any and everyone who has prayed, donated, thought of, shared about and blessed my life in uncountable ways. I will post pictures and tell more stories and share more victories, but just know that the enemy can find the EXIT - or, (as we tell all the bugs at night): In the name of JESUS, find a Crack and GO IN IT and DIE!

love you guys.