Monday, March 5, 2012

Corazol - Makin Our Way North

Corozal is the northernmost city in Belize, near the Mexican border. Knowing this would be our last stop, and that we had a new place to move into, we had to fight to be and stay mentally present, and not rush through this last end of our “tour”. I think anyone would be anxious to cook their own food, have their own roof, bathroom, and stop living out of their car – but we are in it for the process, and as we learn other lessons throughout this trip, it is symbolic of our obedience in traveling the country, and walking in faith through the full and complete process. There are other processes going on in me, where the Lord is teaching me, and I am beginning to “get it”, and good fruit is becoming apparent in my life – but because I want full and abundant life, I have to walk in faith and WAIT in faith, until the Lord says I am mature, and allows or puts me in places to exercise what He is growing/changing/making new.

Tati’s blog ( is a good example of our differences, and how I have been more posting pictures and quick little updates, and she has been explaining in more detail the happenings of our trip; . . . with our powers combined . . . we make a complete awesome blog! Haha just playin.

SO, while we were in Corozal, there was a required pastors gathering for all of the Nazarene pastors in the country. We decided to stop by and it was awesome seeing SO many people we had seen throughout our trip, them taking us around and having us share with them about this conference, and it was very encouraging for us.

We also met with Pastor West, who is an awesome man who is all about unity and bringing the churches together, and so while we weren’t able to go to all of the churches we were hoping to get to, he offered to take a million invitations and spread word of the conference and share them with the churches in the area.

On our way to Corozal (it appears I am writing this blog sort of backwards!) we ended up taking this looooong road that once we realized how awful and broken up it was, with holes and random pieces of pavement, we were halfway through, and so in total it took about 4 hours to drive through . . . I was driving and getting just a LITTLE delirious . . . I broke out my Asian accent, sang songs like S-club 7, Aerosmith and other 90’s classics, and Tahee (her asian name) eventually went along with it haha. She has seriously seen a side of me that has maybe never come out around anyone . . . oh! But on the way down this road I saw a big scorpion cross the road!

Also Tati’s air mattress got a hole in it, so that was fun, for the last few days of our trek – she would wake up in the middle of the night with her butt on the floor and her arms and legs still floating where the air was in the mattress lol – At the end of that long drive, we didn’t know where we were going to stay, and so we called the number of a pastor we only knew OF, and he was a little weirded out, but he let us sleep in his church and we were very very grateful J
this is Tati plugging the hole with her finger

sleeping at a church :)

There was a very kind and wonderful lady who lived next door to the church named Odette, and we loved her. Her husband had had a stroke last fall, and so we got to talk to and pray for him. Both very sweet people!

On our way back to Belmopan, to get the keys from our land lady Mirta, (*we were ecstatic*), we stopped in Hattieville and we stayed a night with the Somervilles, I got to chill with my friends MJ and Shadrach (MJ went running with me Sunday morning, and he showed me all the secrets of the town, from an old hidden bridge, a pier that went into some water, and a dead horse…awesome!) We went to church with them that morning and without even expecting it, they had us share about our trip and what the Lord is teaching us, and that ended up being their church! Really funny to have people at the end be like, “Wow girls, thanks for sharing the word with us!” haha . . . um we weren’t sure what was going on, but we both just spoke from our hearts and went with whatever the Lord was doing.

We also stopped by a town called Crooked Tree – notice the graves – that’s how they all are here – the graves are out of the ground!! So crazy! I don’t know if it is because of the flooding that happens in the rainy season (don’t want dead Aunt Bertha to floating out of the ground and across town!) or what! 

Pastor Longsworth 

Pastor Crawford - us in his office talking details about the conference

This little lizard was STUCK in the fan!!!!

this is a picture from the church we slept in above

This is Jesus, me, and Tati in the back, carrying our old relationship
(Tati asked if that means she is a boy)

Tati did this to me

Someone at that pastors conference wrote this on our car!

who knew!?

we knew this little boy from meeting with his dad last month in BZ city!

The Sommerville just painted their house blue!!

Hattieville Baptist

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