!!!! So much to update, so I will go in order. Basically Shelbye Kunerth is an amazing girl from Fort Worth, Texas, who has interned with Count Me In and is going to take my place living in Belize with Tati. After the conference, her and Tati will work on the project and task of establishing a country wide, sponsored youth camp that will take place during the kids' winter break. It will be Dec 30-Jan 5th-ish, and so I definitely plan on being a part of CMI BZ's first year! The first people to come in from our team to help with the conference were Shelbye, and our friend Jesse from Athens, GA. He has been to Belize before and LOVES the Garcia family from Trio that we visited last month. When we visited them the first time, we inquired about and observed what some of their needs were, and so it was so awesome to then tell Jesse to figure out how to get some of these things. Minolo, their youngest son, loves playing the guitar and years ago Tati gave him a guitar. At some point, the some of the strings broke, so he has been using fishing line! Jesse brought some new strings and music to learn! Fidel, the father, who works all day on the pineapple and other fruit farm with his machete, gets cut up pretty bad up and down his arms, so Jesse brought some work gloves that go up to his elbows! Vilma, the mother, she has very painful vericose veins on her legs, and was told that she needed compression stockings, - so Jesse brought some of those as well! He also brought some other goodies that the girls would like, and it was a ball watching them receive all these presents that they NEVER would have been able to afford or have access to buy.

A happy Fidel
Fun machete afternoon
This was right before Jesse said that Shelbye had a big head in spanish - he was trying to communicate that she has a big brain . . as in she is smart . .
put 'em up!
Jesse is in heaven with his fav family!
So then we all loaded up on the back of their truck and drove to the pineapple fields
Jesse trying to pick oranges from a moving truck
a cute little baby orange tree with ONE orange for me!
This is the most heavenly tasting pineapple you can ever imagine. I could live everyday just walking around outside, eating this amazing fruit!
Minolo beheading Jesse
This is Jesse trying to communicate in english and broken spanish that this pineapple piece would be great for a pacifier . . . yeah but the end they thought he was imitating breast feeding or some sort. . . !!
Driving through more fields to get to the river to swim!
Awesome little cliff to jump into the river!
Everyone playing
Me and their oldest daughter Reina
Tati the pineapple queen hahaha
We cooked them a meal and it was awesome!!!
All in all, it was amazing time with them, and a super bonding time with Shelbye, as she is mentally preparing to be here in Belize for the next three months!! Then it was also sweet for Jesse to come and reunite with his favorite family ever - they were so happy to see him too. Fidel is Jesse's role model for manhood in every way :)
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