I have never been to Belize.

I never thought I would be going to Belize.

The way this all came about, and started involving me began something like this: ...

Tati Benson is 25 years old, has lived with me for a year and a half, and has lead mission trips to Belize for the past 7 years. Her heart for the people of Belize and dream to build an orphanage one day have been something I have been in close observation and knowledge of, and while I never thought I would be part of her calling to Belize, the one and only "Jehovah sneaky" had other plans.

...back in the fall (2011), Tati heard from the Lord that she was going to go to Belize for two weeks (which she did last September) and that then she was supposed to move to Belize for 6 months in January. He also gave her vision for a leadership/Pastor's conference to help equip, educate and empower the leaders in churches all around Belize to help bring Revival to Belize. The keys that will be shared will include things such as truly teaching, showing and walking out what it looks like to have radical faith, do evangelism, walking in our inheritance, acknowledge the power of the holy spirit, and being in true unconditional relationships with one  another.

I was living with Tati, happy for her revelation, but pretty much just had the stance of, "Good luck! Hope it all works out!" - anyway, I knew she was praying for the Lord to provide someone for her to go with, and so one random day at our house, she was sharing with me about her desiring to find that person, and trying to trust that the Lord would provide someone . . .  and as I sat on the floor of her bedroom, listening to her, I heard and felt something so distinct, that hit me and told me that I was the one who was supposed to go with her. I got really weirded out, having a conversation in my own mind, and the Lord started showing me how externally He had set up multiple situations for this trip to Belize to formalize. . . . how weeks earlier there was a girl named Anna, who asked me about a place to live in Athens with girls, starting in January (she took over my rent and is living there now and is SO awesome); then also this spring is also the perfect time academically, where I am just about to start nursing school, and once that starts either this fall or next spring, I will be super involved in school, or afterwards have a career that will make it hard for me to just drop everything and do something like this - Also, last summer (2011) I was super convinced that I was desiring and feeling lead to go on some sort of mission trip abroad, and so I got my passport, was working two jobs, one at the hospital, and one at Trapeze Pub downtown, and all the money I was making from Trapeze I was saving for this trip - and of course, EVERYTHING I applied for didn't work out for the most random of reasons - so basically the Lord closed that door, but I still had my passport and some money saved up...

So, those along with some other things made me realize that maybe I really was supposed to be the one to go with Tati, so I told her I was interested and felt the Lord say all of that, but that I was going to fast and pray for the next two weeks and tell her for sure once I had more confirmation. During those two weeks, the Lord shed major light into the internal things He wanted to do in my life... lots of showing me many of my commitment issues, and things that He wanted to teach me through being in close, committed relationship with Tati Benson . . . ee!

OK, so this trip: we are driving through Mexico, going to Belize, driving around the country, inviting pastors that we do and don't know to a Leadership/Pastor's Conference that is happening the weekend of March 16th, our church The Awakening from Athens, GA is coming down for a mission trip the whole week beforehand, and basically the conference was originally going to be $40 a person, the Lord declared that it is going to be FREE for all, and that He would provide the funds and resources in order to have it. !!!

Two girls. One Country.
Two months. One conference.

An unlikely couple, and a country that needs Revival - it is in the character of the Lord to use the least likely to enhance His kingdom and do work that is impossible for man. . . . Luke 18:27

"What is impossible with man, is possible with God."

-Also, we are bringing the organization Count Me In ( ) to Belize in 2013, and it is aimed at the youth of countries around the world. Look at the site and learn more about it! So while we will be representing and sharing info as we travel and at the conference for leaders who come, we are also being blessed by the organization, to act as a covering for us in certain ways, for this trip, and letting us be set up with a webpage where people can donate to our trip. (will be set up Feb 1st)

This trip is something that is going to change my life. I am so convinced of it that I have quit my job, given my car to my sister, and left my friends and family as well as broken loose of all other ties and securities that have comforted and grounded me emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc.

I have never been to Belize. I have no idea what is ahead besides the Lord's provision, but I am ever so present and awake and alive because of the binding ties that I have cut and handed over to the Lord, as well as the limited distance of the future I can truly see - I am here today, right now, in the Lord's hand, and exploding with joy and intimacy, as I learn how to walk in the shelter of the Almighty, and dance in the land of the living!

He is good. All the time.

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